Dear Kylee,
Today you are two months and sixteen days old. You were eight pounds when you came home, and while I tried to measure your height today, there was no difference, but the scale proves you are less than starving.

You continue to steal, or how you explain it "collect" things. The phrase "not your property" has become a constant from my mouth, your Father will let you chew anything and finds a great new excuse each time. To hear him defend you, you are a war veteran collecting the benefits owed to you for service.
Your mother has an odd sense of humor and wickedness, so you steal it.... you wear it.

You have also found a very sincere insterest in the toilet. Your little head turns in circles watching the water go down, and I haven't been mad at you for pooping in the bathroom because you've sniffed that it is the place we do it. You are very smart.

So smart you creeped me out today after playing a long round of Duck. You layed down, tired, resting your neck on the Duck and slept for for about 20 minutes then vanished. I went to look for you and that Duck was back in the toy box. You cleaned your room, respectively. I stood frozen for a moment, honestly baffled and scared I had a black out and did it myself but no, you returned your toy to your treasure chest.
I have to think it was in your mouth when you went for a different toy for a trade off, but all toys were accounted for. You are my kind of dog! What else can you do?

You still protest violently to being contained. I often pin you down with my legs until you can be a reasonable Kylee, but this only aggrevates you more.
You've easilly mastered sitting, which you do while eating because it is a hard thing to do after all. When we feed you, you defer to your brother without hesitation as he travels back and forth from each bowl. This makes us very happy as food aggression is not something I will tolerate. It's natural to you to want to be Simon's sister, you are just still too much for him. He likes you and follows you around, even though he growls two seconds later, it's only because he also wants to be your friend but you jump on him and he's not the kind who wants that. He'd prefer a sniff buddy.

Your tiny face is changing into a growing brown ball of adolescence. So early! Too early for me.

I still think you are gorgeous, even when you bite me and don't understand why I yelp. It's the same as you not understanding why I make you take a bath, or go outside when it's ass cold in the morning to potty. Tit for tat Kylee.
Be good.
She is really losing her puppy look!
I really love this blog Jeni! You always crack me the hell up and I LOVE seeing Simon and Kylee. I cant believe how much her face is changing! Love, Krista xox
OH and I click on anonymous bc it's easier lol.
she is such a cutie. She's worthy of her own page....but more Simon more Simon. :-) It sounds like he's sorta kinda starting to tolerate her.
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