Saturday, March 15, 2008


The pups had a play date on Saturday. We had several levels of competition! Simon would win the Bronze just for showing up.

Meet Marley.

Kylee meets her Grandparents.

She immediately had to show Marley her property, and boast how cool her wares were. "Look at all my STUFF!"

Then much like her mother, when Marley made a selection from the toy box......

Kylee screamed a frantic MINE!

Marley, being twice Kyles size had no trouble with the wrestling tournment.

Hide and Seek time! Can't get what you can't see?

Last game.... let's play a round of Duck!

Simon is in there. It's a three-tiered game of duck, Big, Middle, Little.

Puppies wearing down a little.

Why do you keep after me Marley?

Because I love you Kylee!



Saffyrre said...

That video of the 3 of them was ADORABLE! I loved how Simon was right in there with the both of them. Marley is a cutie too, Simon probably loved that Kylee got a little of her own medicine with Marley, ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey, looks like Simon's actually having a little fun! Maybe Marley can convince him to accept Kylee. Great pics.

Anonymous said...

OMG look at how freaking cute all 3 of them are! Looked like a fun sweet! Krista xox