Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We like to Partay!

As my annual gag of just being a smart ass, when I talk to people who plan to attend my convention and I make shit up. This year was that I liked balloons. Last year I said I was all about chocolate and the shit rolled in. I did not expect balloons, even when told earlier last week "you are being taken care of." Jesus. For what? Godfather.... may I approach thee?

The balloons came. I need to paste this onto my main blog as I try not to cuss here, and trust me... with this... I want to and HAVE on main blog so might jus go there for full effect. I really thought they were kidding about the balloons as much as I was. Nope. Because of the run (below) I made her wear it. Remember..... steal it you wear it, well.... run from me... wear it. New rule.

So I get home with my usual spray of one purse, one bag of ... whatever, and all these (insert the word you KNOW I mean) balloons waving in the wind like laughter. I open the front door and it's like someone hit (another word, same one) the trigger on the gun because both of the dog went screaming into the road. All while I'm still attached to these (WORD!!!!) balloons that I no longer even like. Thank god for my neighbor. Except.... she asked if she could help with the balloons. /pause. Balloon coveter, I get it, but scremed that it was better if she could catch one of the two dogs who were bolting like a (word) prison break. The Russian was the worst, he chilled under a car as I am in chase ------ with ALL those damned balloons and purses in tow, a car that was RUNNING, ready to go. I flailed and about threw myself on the hood of the car screaming at his little ass. Not ok Simon.

The neighbor caught the Muslim, and I caught the Russian. Was he sorry? Oh let's talk about HOW sorry. My neighbors god love them, laughed at me running with balloons, bags in tow screaming names, my arms out to grapple an animal an kill it, spilling my entire purse all over the (not more) fucking!!! sidewalk. Did I mention I wore a dress today and can't walk even without anything to weigh me down? It was a scene. Again, bless my neighbors, they've seen us dive naked from our little pool plenty I'm sure. We stand at the fence though, listening first because trhey do often have grandkids, and we are somewhat thinky about that sort of thing. I don't want to scar a kid.

For most, I't's a duplicate for main blog..... Video though, thats new!


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