Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Marley and Kylee
A few dozen moons ago both Kylee and Marley were small. They both have a passion for greeting with a check of the crotch, and how could - as someone who is trepeditious of germs - protest such greeting.
Marley was attacked this last week and things got .... I don't know. Let's go with tricky. A man got out of jail like the day before or something alike and made number one priority to hit the pound for a pit bull and let it stretch it's legs off lead. Enter Marley. On lead and while very friendly, her motives are more to play than Kylee's are. Kylee is extremely affection driven, but equally energetic.
Marley is on the mend, after neck drains and cones and all the junk that comes with a well printed invoice I'm sure stapled to a get well soon baggie.
The above photo is exactly how Kylee greets anything, even thouhg she is a lot larger now. Being she is much taller than a Russian sized new friend, she squats down to be more at their level of comfort. It's all really quite clever and endearing.
The doggie world is out to get our girls..... we don't know why. At least I certainly don't, my puppy would let a squirrel take off with her food just to ask if it tasted good. Pet owners.... step up and be responsible!
Kylee does have an odd new reaction to something. Her brother. I don't think she really likes him much. She's not hostile by any means, but his constant crappy attitude is not something she wants to be around if she doesn't have to. Boy can I relate. /cough.
Example of how I've discovered this, is she'll be working a rawhide bone or rawhide chip and he comes up.... she instantaneously jerks herself away, head first as if to tell him to sack off the "sharing" game. He doesn't share. He growls and bites with a gummy mouth that makes her laugh and just take the bone back. Don't presume there is ONE bone chewy in the house.... this place is a landmine of scattered crap to hit right in the middle of a bare foot, usually directly into the tender arch. Adversely, I tested ... and gave her a bone or chip... something to chew on and leaned in right to her face. She just chewed on. So, Simon ... is not on the trust list it seems. His own fault for being a territorial brat. Neither of them can hurt another, so nothing to be done, but he's really a poor sport and it's a shame.
Sipod I'm more sorry than anyone, but she's not home in the way you remember her. Please be nice, it's not Kylee's fault.
- DM

Marley is on the mend, after neck drains and cones and all the junk that comes with a well printed invoice I'm sure stapled to a get well soon baggie.
The above photo is exactly how Kylee greets anything, even thouhg she is a lot larger now. Being she is much taller than a Russian sized new friend, she squats down to be more at their level of comfort. It's all really quite clever and endearing.
The doggie world is out to get our girls..... we don't know why. At least I certainly don't, my puppy would let a squirrel take off with her food just to ask if it tasted good. Pet owners.... step up and be responsible!
Kylee does have an odd new reaction to something. Her brother. I don't think she really likes him much. She's not hostile by any means, but his constant crappy attitude is not something she wants to be around if she doesn't have to. Boy can I relate. /cough.
Example of how I've discovered this, is she'll be working a rawhide bone or rawhide chip and he comes up.... she instantaneously jerks herself away, head first as if to tell him to sack off the "sharing" game. He doesn't share. He growls and bites with a gummy mouth that makes her laugh and just take the bone back. Don't presume there is ONE bone chewy in the house.... this place is a landmine of scattered crap to hit right in the middle of a bare foot, usually directly into the tender arch. Adversely, I tested ... and gave her a bone or chip... something to chew on and leaned in right to her face. She just chewed on. So, Simon ... is not on the trust list it seems. His own fault for being a territorial brat. Neither of them can hurt another, so nothing to be done, but he's really a poor sport and it's a shame.
Sipod I'm more sorry than anyone, but she's not home in the way you remember her. Please be nice, it's not Kylee's fault.
- DM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Bringings! Kylee Hears a Who!
Kylee earns her keep, in her... way. She comes with offerings that often make us tilt a head and wonder if it's mineral, vegetable, or profitable. I admit that she brings Mr. Morgan's socks to me at least 4 times a day. I don't know where she is finding them, but hell, thanks!
She has been collecting groupings of things from our backyard, we don't know if it's a hint or bad landscaping or simply the act of the puppy proudly showing what she "found."
I don't let on that I "found" a pile of her offerings in entering her "searching grounds", no I just smile at her brown head because really.... the crap she brings - and it's often our OWN crap just being returned like a library book, is fairly impressive.
She and I watched Horton Hears a Who. In return she began, I'm not kidding, bringing in little Who cities.
There are 3 brinings in the photos, but hard to show.
In three trips she brought in Who villages and I just don't have the heart to toss them. Plus, we are really impressed that she can uproot a dead weed with a pound of growing roots and soil attached. Our vaccum especially loves her efforts. She is extremely proud of her Whos and makes the most happy prance for them. Can't be mad at her for saying "looky what me gots!"
Not gonna say I don't look at her with a "are you serious?" expression, because, she is more than serious. We part ways after I collect the Whos.
- DM
She has been collecting groupings of things from our backyard, we don't know if it's a hint or bad landscaping or simply the act of the puppy proudly showing what she "found."
I don't let on that I "found" a pile of her offerings in entering her "searching grounds", no I just smile at her brown head because really.... the crap she brings - and it's often our OWN crap just being returned like a library book, is fairly impressive.
She and I watched Horton Hears a Who. In return she began, I'm not kidding, bringing in little Who cities.

Not gonna say I don't look at her with a "are you serious?" expression, because, she is more than serious. We part ways after I collect the Whos.
- DM
Monday, January 19, 2009
One Year.
Dear Kylee,
You are now one year old. You look so much the same, yet different.
Let's take a look back at how you started in forming who you are now, forever impacting the lives of your parents. neighbors, .....

In the last year you have joined GreenPeace and are very heartset on doing whats best for the world. You take out garbage into what we think is your recycling and compost pile. You have cans, wooden planks, socks, and a variety of other items including a bone to chew on to entertain yourself while guarding your wares.

Used to be a couch and inhertited dining chairs......
Garage overflow. You ran out of room in the backyard and became enraged, destroying almost all of my halloween items in your crazed determination of halting my good mood. You took less than a couple hours to turn this into things I can't even guess as to what they began as.

Your shoe fetish proves that you are a true nature dog and strongly believe in the idea that we should all be naked as we were born and not subscribe to material items, nor be remotely embarrassed to express our naked form. I think that you secretly write to PETA and often steal clothing in addition to shoes hoping we'll get the hint that you think nudist culture is the way to be and that if you eventually steal it all, we'll have no choice but to conform.
Your favorite thing is this dog/bike path:
Parts of me is pretty sure it's a matter of you needing a routine that can be counted on more so than the path itself, but we cannot deny that you have daily pent up energy and it's a good deal of why you act out and destroy things. I do feel bad that you have to wait for Dad to come home for this activity, but you've have hurt Mama fairly severely twice, I cannot manage you but am trying in my ways when Daddy is at work.
Remember this?

And this????

Time will tell if I'm as clever as I think I am, I would like to consider myself a bit smarter than you are, or at least trick you into believing so. Smaller and weaker doesn't mean I can't outsmart an adolescent puppy.
You know sign language. Not classical or anything that others could interpret, just my own variation of hand movements that you know if complied with, some sort of reward follows suit. It likely looks like an epileptic variation of communication, but you don't care and I am pretty pleased that with a particular movement - when you will pay attention - even if it looks like I'm trying to communicate a shady drug deal. Gang signs and what not, you nod slowly with complete understanding, ready to get to task. Sit your butt mimics what humans use when the they are telling someone to simmer down, you get it. Or..... you are just happy to have the option of not hearing my high, chirpy voice.
Your birthday had some great party goers, from a distance but wanted to share their regards all the same. This is likely because they have not MET you and your inclination to pummel. You wipe me out often, I suspect you are qualified to take out a toddler and a small dog in one swoop before you even get to abusing your Mama.
Cousin RoxyChica!

Cousin Little Bee - she is busy all the time yet very not in the way or being anything but cute while buzzing about. Are those eyes not the size of saucers???? Much like you Kylee, I suspect those peepers get her out of trouble should she act up. Your first cousins are much your like Ount in that before this photo she tugged on my pants and whispered in almost a frantic way of trying to share top secreat information "There are people in my house!" I was forced to play back and say "Where?" and sent your cousin running to point at each guest. Children are for the entertainment of adults Kylee, this is our tax return of sorts for when you are not well behabved.
You drive yourself into everything you can without meaning harm, yet are so submissive that you went belly up to a dog smaller than your brother on a walk. We are very proud that you know no aggression and when approached (intention of menace?) on the dog path you said "WHAT? What is WRONG with you!!" to another dog who lunged to bite and hated you on sight for no good reason other than it must have emotional insecurities against the color brown.
Racists are everywhere babygirl, dont mind them. We've all seen your crazed expressions, you had no reference but to be confused by an angry hater. Don't worry, Daddy will get you to safety always while Mama goes to jail for whipping a dog owner stupid with the woman's own leash for letting her animals get anywhere close to hurting you. We're watching because you are so naive, and I don't mind that you are, it's your job to wake up and eat my property then look too cute to bounce onto the street with a "FREE" sign around your neck.
You came at a time I wasn't ready for you, but a time that that your Daddy needed you so desparately, and you have restored a happiness to us that we truly felt we'd never experience again. We spend a lot of time worrying how best to raise you and if your needs (and big brothers) are met then go into public looking like obsessive pet people, and we don't care on bit. Your level of intuition stammers me because I don't always expect is from a dog. With any movement you are there, often camoflaughed and making me look stupid for tripping over you in the darkness. You are not unlike a scene from The Shining, one moment everything is all good and turn around BOOM, there you are, sitting pretty and staring at me as though you'd been there the whole time. You are a creepy little (not so little) beast and more than once have given me a dirty look for tripping over you when frankly, you blend into the shadows. But you also know when Mama is sad and get very upset if Daddy and myself are angry with one another. You bring in your toys in an attempt for some sort of settling down. You also lick my tears, however irrational they are at the time.
In closing.... a fast look at the year of the Kylee. Mama loves you so many and your Dad would be lost without you. The Russian also loves you and each morning you come to gently kiss his muzzle, but your soft moments worry him and he gets skeptical. Trust me, he watches you all day but would lie about that if pressed. Enjoy your Birthin' Day baby girl, I know how much you love to dance with me and you have a mean conga to you. I have no shame in celebrating you, you are greeted in the morning before I am, and vice versa. You are one hell of a magnet. Be good. Or at least... try. Happy birthin' day princess, work your soundtrack like I know that you do. (Don't think for one minute I don't know you love the song on your birthday video, your ass prances and screams VICTORY!). I don't give you grief or remind you that I am over 50 percent German, and just smile that you love the Snoopy song. Happy happy my little one.
You are now one year old. You look so much the same, yet different.

Used to be a couch and inhertited dining chairs......

Your shoe fetish proves that you are a true nature dog and strongly believe in the idea that we should all be naked as we were born and not subscribe to material items, nor be remotely embarrassed to express our naked form. I think that you secretly write to PETA and often steal clothing in addition to shoes hoping we'll get the hint that you think nudist culture is the way to be and that if you eventually steal it all, we'll have no choice but to conform.

Remember this?

And this????

Time will tell if I'm as clever as I think I am, I would like to consider myself a bit smarter than you are, or at least trick you into believing so. Smaller and weaker doesn't mean I can't outsmart an adolescent puppy.
You know sign language. Not classical or anything that others could interpret, just my own variation of hand movements that you know if complied with, some sort of reward follows suit. It likely looks like an epileptic variation of communication, but you don't care and I am pretty pleased that with a particular movement - when you will pay attention - even if it looks like I'm trying to communicate a shady drug deal. Gang signs and what not, you nod slowly with complete understanding, ready to get to task. Sit your butt mimics what humans use when the they are telling someone to simmer down, you get it. Or..... you are just happy to have the option of not hearing my high, chirpy voice.
Your birthday had some great party goers, from a distance but wanted to share their regards all the same. This is likely because they have not MET you and your inclination to pummel. You wipe me out often, I suspect you are qualified to take out a toddler and a small dog in one swoop before you even get to abusing your Mama.
Cousin RoxyChica!

Cousin Little Bee - she is busy all the time yet very not in the way or being anything but cute while buzzing about. Are those eyes not the size of saucers???? Much like you Kylee, I suspect those peepers get her out of trouble should she act up. Your first cousins are much your like Ount in that before this photo she tugged on my pants and whispered in almost a frantic way of trying to share top secreat information "There are people in my house!" I was forced to play back and say "Where?" and sent your cousin running to point at each guest. Children are for the entertainment of adults Kylee, this is our tax return of sorts for when you are not well behabved.

Racists are everywhere babygirl, dont mind them. We've all seen your crazed expressions, you had no reference but to be confused by an angry hater. Don't worry, Daddy will get you to safety always while Mama goes to jail for whipping a dog owner stupid with the woman's own leash for letting her animals get anywhere close to hurting you. We're watching because you are so naive, and I don't mind that you are, it's your job to wake up and eat my property then look too cute to bounce onto the street with a "FREE" sign around your neck.
You came at a time I wasn't ready for you, but a time that that your Daddy needed you so desparately, and you have restored a happiness to us that we truly felt we'd never experience again. We spend a lot of time worrying how best to raise you and if your needs (and big brothers) are met then go into public looking like obsessive pet people, and we don't care on bit. Your level of intuition stammers me because I don't always expect is from a dog. With any movement you are there, often camoflaughed and making me look stupid for tripping over you in the darkness. You are not unlike a scene from The Shining, one moment everything is all good and turn around BOOM, there you are, sitting pretty and staring at me as though you'd been there the whole time. You are a creepy little (not so little) beast and more than once have given me a dirty look for tripping over you when frankly, you blend into the shadows. But you also know when Mama is sad and get very upset if Daddy and myself are angry with one another. You bring in your toys in an attempt for some sort of settling down. You also lick my tears, however irrational they are at the time.
In closing.... a fast look at the year of the Kylee. Mama loves you so many and your Dad would be lost without you. The Russian also loves you and each morning you come to gently kiss his muzzle, but your soft moments worry him and he gets skeptical. Trust me, he watches you all day but would lie about that if pressed. Enjoy your Birthin' Day baby girl, I know how much you love to dance with me and you have a mean conga to you. I have no shame in celebrating you, you are greeted in the morning before I am, and vice versa. You are one hell of a magnet. Be good. Or at least... try. Happy birthin' day princess, work your soundtrack like I know that you do. (Don't think for one minute I don't know you love the song on your birthday video, your ass prances and screams VICTORY!). I don't give you grief or remind you that I am over 50 percent German, and just smile that you love the Snoopy song. Happy happy my little one.
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