Sunday, August 3, 2008

For Simon, yes YOU

Kylee won't stop eating her brother. Not just that, she sees the limp and a cradling of a bad leg and goes for it. We don't know what to do about it.

We built Simon an elaborate system of stairs that he completely ignores and comtinues to throw his stupid self off the bed/couch will full force. He is managing very well as a tripod and actually gets some decent momentum, but it pains us to watch it all the same.

He is not a drumstick Kylee! STOP IT! Honestly, he is just old. All she did was brush against him and every since he won't use the leg. I'm aware she isn't a shy lean, I'm embarrassed to go on interviews with all my wounds, but damn Simon...... we didn't know he was so fragile.

Now is not the time to be begging a knee surgery. We think if he would just use the damned stairs he could good himself a rest. I've all but lined them with fur to entice him, still, nothing. Advice is welcomed. we have been separating them when Kyles goes into "frantic tumble" but it's really becoming a drag. Not because we are inconvenienced, although there are times of "YOUR TURN!", but because the moment they are separated they whine to be back together. It's non stop breaking up fights. While I love Kylee I get pissed at her when she is rough on him. He is not 6 months old like you asshole knock it the fuck off! She's replies "pfffffft"

Simon does not like Kylee like she does Leedy, but he acts like a big brother, always watching where she is and if he needs to shake his head and let her know that it's not acceptable. Sometimes I think he hopes she'll be beaten and will point me to the right direction "She's over there, beat her." (I'm learning Russian).

Both Mr. Morrgan and I have noticed a strong down fall in Simon since Delilah moved out. She took a good part of his spirit with her, it makes us very sad. Mostly me, as they were mine. All mine. It's a difficult thing, he's not very smart, but it's so palpable.... just kills me again and again like the day we let her move out. I hate reminders.

I have my eye on him like mad, but even as silly as he is, he definitely has his own agenda, as do I, to keep my wee man happy, fed, and safe in his home. We'd have taken him to vet, but they've told us what's wrong and they say it doesnt hurt him. I have to say I am seriously not ready to deal with another dog aging and the consequences of it. My heart just can't. But those are the obligations, he'll be fine and pop that knee back in if he'll just stop ... being him? See the problem? Who am I to tell him how to live even if I know what's best. I have cared for him to be who he is, as long as he relieves himself outside and is a good listener. Tricky. Good thoughts for The Pickle. I'd post a photo, but it's depressing, so have chosen not to. The man deserves dignity during his down time.

- DM


Anonymous said...

you need to get one of those doggy cones, you know...and then hide Simon under it.

BAAAAAAA! Seriously though, no advise. poor Simon. LOL, or since you're in building mode, how bout a series of paths set along the wall at almost ceiling level. I've seen these kind of things for cats. LMAO. Sorry, Im in a mood.

DMorgan's Zoo said...

Just btw, you are not formerly BLD but that was really funny. You're still BLD, just not MY B. Gave me a nice smile, as for ramps, he's not a gerbil, can't do it.