Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thrash Thursday

When I came home today I delcared it Thrash Thursday as Kylee had eaten and chewed herself into entertainment for the day. Scraps of her eatings were everywhere and my first instinct (after checking for inside poops) was to be angry. I went for something to wave frantically to scare her with when I saw it.

She had brought her OWN beating board.

I was so impressed I couldn't do anything but admire it and wonder how she managed to get it inside. It doesn't look it, but the thing easilly weighs 2 pounds, is two inches thick and wet like it came from a fresh river bank. Apparently determination is one of her skills. The thing is damn near a log and I flipped it in my hands for a few minutes while nodding at her. She pranced with much glee "Look what me got! It's SO cool huh!"

I had to agree that it was.

I called Mr. Morgan and declared it was Thrash Thursday, and he asked who was getting the beating(s?). I replied that the puppy had managed something odd, so I couldn't really string her up like a pinata to see if candy or one of my shoes would come out. He asked what it was and I replied he'd have to not only see it, but feel it's weight to understand what she'd found. Where she found it? No clue unless it was something flung over the fence. Lil Miss Kylee finds things I never knew were invented, and chews my belongings into items that others would never recognize as being invented either. She ate one of my giraffe herd this week and I walked away calmly, muttering affirmations, she is very smart to know how to make up for her no-nos. She doesn't have a job yet, but she wants to earn it in making me tilt my head at the things she manages.

She is quite proud of her ... plank? She's even got some camel cash and bud light in the above photos. A Morgan is a Morgan.......


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