Dear Kylee,
Today you are four days shy of your four month birthday. You have quickly gone from this:

To this:

Once being a frightened and timid little puppy you've morphed into a bold girl who enjoys life in the most refreshing, yet exhausting fashion.

You have no idea what is off limits and walk all over us knowing that your worst punishment is being banned to a large backyard with fresh air and bugs to chase. It's torture I'm sure.
Every morning one of us bolts awake, having heard you saunter down the hallway to scope out your favorite inside toilet spot. We once even knocked heads in the scramble to catch you, eyes still glued shut from the Sandman, and arms out in front of us like zombies. You have us trained well.
Like most tired parents, there are times that both your Mother and Father have feigned sleeping or flipped a coin to see who would take care of you and what you've done. The days of your brother being blamed for piles of fun in the house are over. If Simon ever passed anything as large as what you do now I believe with certainty he would have died in delivery.
I do not mention to your father that it was my idea to crate train you, and perhaps would have thrawted the giant morning discoveries that make me swear a horse snuck into the house overnight to defecate in the living room. He threw a tantrum that even you would step back from and be impressed by, because he swore it was mean and you would cry.
Puppy Porn!

You also like television and remain left handed. We often are caught off guard by one of your left hooks, you are very slappy and use your arms for almost everything in the way a grizzly bear does by wrapping yourself around whatever item (usually one of our limbs or your brother) you want to play with.

You still love to sit under my computer desk and stare at me, but lately with a very confused look of why it is shrinking. You seem to resent your space betraying you.

But you are helpful. When Mama eats, there you are with a napkin for me.

We have a wonderful surprise coming for you, your first pool! It will take some tailoring because you are not only fond of water, but also of wires. We have not yet explained electricity to you and worry you will zap your chewy ass across the lawn. Or munch on the pump tubes and
woooooosh yourself there.
It takes about 3 hours of long walks and runs to wear you out, but you still found time to destroy 3 pair of summer sandals. You insist it was only 3 shoes, but I can't mix-match them, they come in pairs. You think I'm silly and vain and should just wear whatever is in the closet, even if vastly different colors and heights. No one would think you had a limp! you proudly exclaimed.
Today was the first time you saw yourself in the mirror and you frowned. I mean you REALLY frowned. Your brow deepened in thought and as predicted, you slapped the mirror screaming "make it go away immediately!" I have no idea what bothered you about it, but I haven't seen you in this room since. When you want something, being spoiled as you are, you cock your head and pull a move that clearly implies we are not living up to your time expectations.
That's when Dad scrambles to serve you and I call you names..... in Spanish. I have to be careful though, because as seen above, you do watch TV and spent quite a while with the Dora marathon. I saw your eyes light up and your interest in the songs. Dora is on the clean rainbow but if you learned to put a few words together you might figure out that I'm saying unflattering things in the incorrect conjugation about both you and your birth mother.
We enjoy you and sneak around often to see what you are doing because after all, your growing size and energy doesn't leave much question to your location. We lean into eachother and beam, "She is so key-yoot!"
Magic wand comes out and you let the carpet know that you care too. Be good.

- Mama