Thursday, February 28, 2008

The New White Meat

I may go to jail over this puppy. She ripped open my right thumb, from front to back, then decided the job wasn't done and I wish I were kidding...... sliced open a one inch portion of my left hand.

Maybe she's planning to be my surgeon. Meanwhile, it makes me very angry with her because I truly have never had a biting dog, and it god damned better be a puppy thing. I am presently bleeding on the keyboard and shooting dart looks that clearly mean "don't even think of coming in here."

Bite the hand that feeds you? Kylee I will play that game. I won't let her die, but she is going to learn different rules as of NOW. Think of the mother who pauses and says "what did you just say to me?" and grabs the beating stick.

Mr. Morgan has lost leadership since she has twice bitten me, and malicously. Game over or chick isn't staying. I happen to like her, but I am not trying to bleed nightly or be given that fuck you look from her when I say she is not acting how I require the Morgan house to do. She has such a temper and gets angry on a crazy level when told no, or is corrected.

Look at that face and you think NO WAY that girl bites. Oh, she bites. My biggest concern is that she is not getting smaller, and I simply will not have an animal with anger issues.

I have had it with the biting. I know she is growing teeth but she lunges with her whole body to bite and next time she is going to be dipped in a cold ass tub of water to regain her damned senses. Won't feel so bitey when wet. I honestly know no other recourse than what I've tried. This may not help the idea that I want her to like water, but she is responding to nothing.... and I lived in a house that raised puppies, so I know the normal ways to stop the bitey behavior. Plus if I dunk her, it's a two-for so I can clean my wound while doing it.

Chewing fine, biting? No. Nazi Mom lives. I am not being unkind to her at all, and would never, just re-examining the boudaries she's been afforded, by..... not me. It's not the accidents, the puppy obstitance, it's the vicious biting. I don't bleed for nothing, and might need a stitch or two. It's difficult because Mr. Morgan lets her get away with anything except house accidents. I feel this sends her mixed messages. My brow has now raised and she better know Mary fucking Poppins is coming to straigten her shit out.


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