Saturday, October 18, 2008

What did you just call me? Beggar!

My dogs have taken full advantage of my lack of work, and have lately turned to flat out lying. I will give them breakfast, and with crumbs hanging from their lips they walk into my room screaming that I've never fed them one single time in the last month. Every morning I turn around to THIS:

The mopey and poor, starving, treated unfairly and punished for the color of their skin and nationality. The Russian pulls this charade off far more convincingly, with his "I'm just an Immigrant." expression. Tell me you wouldn't feed that. Look again, lol and be honest that you'd deny that face a snack. He always looks like his soul has been stolen, even when younger, just always photogaphs that way.

So FairyGodmother had to put her furkid on a diet and palmed me two bags of really good (and pricey!) snacks for my starving herd. The Morgan kids get treats all the time, especially the Russian because he is extremely picky, and should be as he hasn't many teeth left. Even so, they do NOT get this caliber of snack. I looked at those bags several times, and was more impressed each viewing. It is very rare to se such truly honest advertising. The animals on the bags depict dogs going out of their minds for the contents. Look at them, they are crazed!

So I took a photo of my own beasts and it's TRUE! Kylee is about to wet the floor because "there's no time like beggin' time!" She also has learned to read and knows that 20% more, meant it was stingy to only allow one slice per snacking. Examine the wild eyed excitement that the product promised would happen.

Good chance I might write to these companies and applaud their ability to know my dogs would potentially go nuts over..... something that smells like bacon? Novel.

I posted a repeat below in case anyone missed Simon's new halloween costume.

- DM

Repeat.... COSTUME DAY!!!!

Halloween store day! My friend and I planned this for some time now and I have to say she did a damn good job, even if I'm not entirely certain she was comfortable taking photos in the mix of a crowd. She didn't say no, and my thoughts were that - if you see the pricetags.... this was as close as I was going to be getting to these props. Who all move, bitch, and otherwise get slappy with a machete.

Be still my heart. I want this one in the WORST way. Tell me this wouldn't fit the bill for my "Off With her Head!" portion of theme???

Mad scientist with an ego.

Here is when, and I didn't mention it to my photographer, but people were looking.

So I did it again.

How was I supposed to help myself! Let people look or scowl, I was the armed one. Plus, don't put out toys if I can't play, because I will out of helpless constraint, and really.... it's fucking funny.

The Russian, being undercover, got himself a slick new costume. He decided that being Toto all his life was bullshit and he was having no more of the sterotype. He was gonna be Dorothy if it took a house landing on Palin (cough, loving my own joke!)

Tell me that's not totally fucking adorable.

Then little miss jealous came in to steal his thunder. With venom!

Imposter I say!

The Russian spy and his American Sponsor pose for a photo.

My premiere will be soon, and much of this shit will go into the 08 video, but do these really get old? Don't forget the below Kylee costume photos.

Today's Hallow Movie: Mirrors.

- DM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What am me?

We made some progress on Kylee's halloween costume and by we I mean me. She didn't know she was going as a Hershey Kiss, which... I guess I thought was funny. She watched the movie Signs with me last week where Mel Gibson's kids foiled up their heads to avert brain control from the aliens. So when I presented her with her costume she clearly said OH SHIT, they're here?????

More work to be done on it. Mr Morgan when asked what she was said "A princess?"

That she is, but no.... hee.

- DM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Getting Spookacular

Halloween Dividers

(Repeat from main blog, but it applied here, so why not, wont be this way in future, couldn't resist).

The Morgan Team decided to decorate today. I was fortunate enough to find a copious amount of rat poo in the boxes of my wares and fled with whatever I could grab in ten seconds. It's not quite the same with Delilah on vacation, but I made the other kids get into the holiday spirit too. Captioned appropriately.

Are you serious?
Yes baby girl, get used to this.

They dont fit!
And I HATE orange!

Not me, I'm all about orange, is there a reward for this? I'm too old to bother fighting you, she won't listen Mom. Will someone feed me? Look how starved I am!

Fine, if you insist.

You promised, last one.

Here is my table, same as last year. It stands to be eaten by the KyleeMonster, but we did have a talk about it. Can enlarge it's super cute and the cleanest my table ever gets.

Happy first!