Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Checkin his list.... Checkin it twice......

Who could look depressed wearing garland? Kylee should host a charity drive for mopey puppies across the world.

Care to know WHY my puppy is moping in garland? Because there is a new addition to the Morgan Holiday Wall. Dogs who want Santa to come have to turn in a daily report card.

The Candy Cane of Judgement started this morning with Nice. Kylee.... sigh Kylee.... don't you understand that Santa KNOWS when you are naughty or nice? You are not a very slick theif.

Demoted. The mope begins.

In two days she has found and eaten all of these. I think she has some underground tunnel system going on, because my shoes are not on the floor. Or.... she's using the Russian to piggy-back and go on a KGB mission. He's easilly influenced.

Part of me wants to say "Nice haul!" Then I realize it's MY haul and want to beat her with each last one them. Should we get a gift card to Payless Shoes and let her go nuts? You hear stories of dogs eating shoes but I've never met a dog more fascinated with the smell of sweaty feet and shabblishly crafted footwear. Is she studying to be a cobbler? Are we somehow missing a hint?

Demoted again.

And punished. She likes things on feet, well I like hats and things on my head. That's right, wear your Holiday Headband with shame!

Kylee got a stocking. Want to guess which is hers?

In case it was hard to decide.....

And yes I do fit into Mr. Morgan's stocking, in case anyone was wondering. He lives by the credo that because he's bigger, so should everything else be to accomodate him.

Report card two coming soon.


Sunday, November 23, 2008


Siblings having a kiss.

Kylee and Sipod were asked to help mom in the kitchen this weekend and both cried they didn't have formal attire and risked shedding on the eats, which was totally against code. Easilly overlooked is the taste-tongue dangling from her eager jowls.

My little Sous Chefs were a tremendous help in the taste testing element of meal preparation. In the bottom right above.... yes, the little monster has eaten my heirloom dining chairs. That is the "nice angle" of her damage, it's much worse than that. How many chairs can a Kylee Chuck Chuck when a Kylee Chuck can chuck wood?

Happy Thanksgiving!

- DM

Monday, November 10, 2008

Loopy is Deserved Sometimes

Kylee is home. She was supposed to stay overnight but Mr. Morgan was pacing the house all morning mumbling “She can’t be alone in the dark…. She’ll be so scared.” with the phone all but superglued to his palm. We’re told they sedated her, and she still needed a dose of morphine to chill her out before surgery. THIS is the level of hype we deal with every day. I asked calmly:

“Did you threaten to beat her?”
“Tell her you'd cut off her tail? She’ll really listen to that……”

We brought her home the same night and she came out of the back with the happy prance of a drunken college student screaming “Whassssss up!” /high five. We think she knew who we were but honestly I think she’d have gone with anyone who promised her a ride.

Here she is pretending to be a bloodhound with the droopy red eyes that clearly indicate we are trying to kill her.

We have been extremely stingy with her medicine, short of her pain pills, but we have had a couple times needed to get the dog a sedative that would halt her insistent hopping. She likes to hop. I like to hop, so I totally understand but my bits haven’t been recently removed. (dammit!) The meds are hidden in an upper cabinet, as though she could climb to beg for a dose.

I gave her a half pill this morning and she laughed at it. Waited a while longer and gave her the other half and she is now stumbling and giggling at her toys. “You call yourself a rope???” /hahahahhaha. “I’ve seen me a rope, you’re no rope!” /giggles off, happy to have insulted her property and feeling quite just about it.

She gets up and her back quarters aren’t in complete communication with the front end and she stops….. glares at her back legs…. and asks “what’s the problem?

Alas we have a medicated puppy. Her incision is clean – although was questionable earlier. We were worried about an obstruction and find our foreheads suctioned to the window looking out to watch her bowel habits. There is nothing like an unemployed house marm in a fluffy pink robe and flip flops, dangling a smoke from her lips holding a stick and poking poops in the yard to see if one is fresh. Alas, she is in fact moving her intestines just fine.

This is the puppy version of a Brazilian Wax…….

Good job Kyles, now go take a nap!

- DM

Friday, November 7, 2008

Spay Day

Dear Kylee,

Today you go in for the removal of your female bits. I hope you don’t think that we are not considerate of this decision, and later resent us for it. I could sit you down and tell you that if I was asked to have my bits removed, I would happily comply but I’m not sure you would understand that much, as you haven’t lived with yours for as long as I have. Trust me, those parts will begin to complain and turn you into a crazed ball of brown, begging to be killed. You will start to lie and claim you were never THAT bad, when you were. It’s for the best.

Your Dad has not been ok with this decision for a long time and he is extremely worried. I’m a bit more calm about it, but anxiety is as catchy as lice, so it’s crawled onto me times two since I’m already one weird coincidence from a neurotic meltdown at any given point.

Let’s think about who you are since the last Mama update. You are … sweet. We often continue to compare you to your big sister, and there are some distinct similarities – like you both have 4 legs and enjoy a meal. You do however sleep where she does, tear up the couch like she does, and make no apologies like she is apt to do, in fact you appear to not know the couch is not a bed. The difference there is that you actually care if those things upset us. Delilah is nice when she wants to be, you are a peapod by your nature and are still learning the rules that it’s not a free for all here. Oh those innocent eyes, and I believe them. Most of the time…..

When the shower fires up you bolt into the bathroom as though you were late to the party, but had an invitation all the same and got stuck in bad traffic. If we don’t leave the shower door open a little you find a way to open it and you walk right in and sit down. After your shower you throw yourself into the walls trying to either wipe off the wet, or collect the dirt you’d lost. You eat soap and razor blades.

You steal. Not only do you steal but you hoard as if expecting to be homeless. With the weather getting colder in the morning, I’m not one to chase you outside but you didn’t come when called today and I had to go out to find you. What greeted me was something I can’t quite wrap my head around. You were there, saw me and sat….. next to your bachelorette pad. For some reason, you have turned our drained pool into a home for your stolen items. Kylee’s Playground indeed! Your loot is everywhere and things gone missing for weeks are now explained.

You also dance backwards on your hind feet. We’ve seen a dog do the backwards conga line before, but not for as long as you are able to maintain it. How you manage this balance, yet still slide ten feet down a hallway, legs sprayed all over in pursuit of whatever was thrown baffles, but amuses us immensely. You look as though you hit a ski slope with how slick you manage to slide. You should go out for the Olympics.

Most mornings you are up far before I am, probably finding more junk to take into your collection but are very keen to me stirring and come galloping down the hallway hoping for breakfast. You never stop eating and get so overly excited to see me awake and it’s not always food driven, you TRULY want affection and your people to notice you. I wake up and shout “Puppy” and a thunder comes barreling down the hallway tail all but beating the paint off our walls with your glee.

You are also …… laughably ….. afraid of cats.

There is a kitty who is preggo and taken somewhat residence in our yard and you see her there and turn into a pointer. Tail out, head lowered, and instead of ready to pounce you are wondering at which point close is too close for your comfort. Then you look to us and ask your favorite question “What should we do?”

I can’t tell you how I adore your crazed expressions. It’s as though the entire world is a surprise and a shock to you. The wide eyes and oh my god faces you make are priceless. You are not a rabbit being chased, but telling you that is impossible.

I’ve been feeding you too much the last couple of days and some might think I’m getting a naughty puppy ready for thanksgiving supper, but I’m just bummed that we have to cut you off for the surgery because you enjoy food so damn much. Go figure. A dog? Loves food? Nawwwww!

Mama and Daddy are waiting for you to come home and love you very many. Don’t make us worry too much ok.



Saturday, October 18, 2008

What did you just call me? Beggar!

My dogs have taken full advantage of my lack of work, and have lately turned to flat out lying. I will give them breakfast, and with crumbs hanging from their lips they walk into my room screaming that I've never fed them one single time in the last month. Every morning I turn around to THIS:

The mopey and poor, starving, treated unfairly and punished for the color of their skin and nationality. The Russian pulls this charade off far more convincingly, with his "I'm just an Immigrant." expression. Tell me you wouldn't feed that. Look again, lol and be honest that you'd deny that face a snack. He always looks like his soul has been stolen, even when younger, just always photogaphs that way.

So FairyGodmother had to put her furkid on a diet and palmed me two bags of really good (and pricey!) snacks for my starving herd. The Morgan kids get treats all the time, especially the Russian because he is extremely picky, and should be as he hasn't many teeth left. Even so, they do NOT get this caliber of snack. I looked at those bags several times, and was more impressed each viewing. It is very rare to se such truly honest advertising. The animals on the bags depict dogs going out of their minds for the contents. Look at them, they are crazed!

So I took a photo of my own beasts and it's TRUE! Kylee is about to wet the floor because "there's no time like beggin' time!" She also has learned to read and knows that 20% more, meant it was stingy to only allow one slice per snacking. Examine the wild eyed excitement that the product promised would happen.

Good chance I might write to these companies and applaud their ability to know my dogs would potentially go nuts over..... something that smells like bacon? Novel.

I posted a repeat below in case anyone missed Simon's new halloween costume.

- DM

Repeat.... COSTUME DAY!!!!

Halloween store day! My friend and I planned this for some time now and I have to say she did a damn good job, even if I'm not entirely certain she was comfortable taking photos in the mix of a crowd. She didn't say no, and my thoughts were that - if you see the pricetags.... this was as close as I was going to be getting to these props. Who all move, bitch, and otherwise get slappy with a machete.

Be still my heart. I want this one in the WORST way. Tell me this wouldn't fit the bill for my "Off With her Head!" portion of theme???

Mad scientist with an ego.

Here is when, and I didn't mention it to my photographer, but people were looking.

So I did it again.

How was I supposed to help myself! Let people look or scowl, I was the armed one. Plus, don't put out toys if I can't play, because I will out of helpless constraint, and really.... it's fucking funny.

The Russian, being undercover, got himself a slick new costume. He decided that being Toto all his life was bullshit and he was having no more of the sterotype. He was gonna be Dorothy if it took a house landing on Palin (cough, loving my own joke!)

Tell me that's not totally fucking adorable.

Then little miss jealous came in to steal his thunder. With venom!

Imposter I say!

The Russian spy and his American Sponsor pose for a photo.

My premiere will be soon, and much of this shit will go into the 08 video, but do these really get old? Don't forget the below Kylee costume photos.

Today's Hallow Movie: Mirrors.

- DM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What am me?

We made some progress on Kylee's halloween costume and by we I mean me. She didn't know she was going as a Hershey Kiss, which... I guess I thought was funny. She watched the movie Signs with me last week where Mel Gibson's kids foiled up their heads to avert brain control from the aliens. So when I presented her with her costume she clearly said OH SHIT, they're here?????

More work to be done on it. Mr Morgan when asked what she was said "A princess?"

That she is, but no.... hee.

- DM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Getting Spookacular

Halloween Dividers

(Repeat from main blog, but it applied here, so why not, wont be this way in future, couldn't resist).

The Morgan Team decided to decorate today. I was fortunate enough to find a copious amount of rat poo in the boxes of my wares and fled with whatever I could grab in ten seconds. It's not quite the same with Delilah on vacation, but I made the other kids get into the holiday spirit too. Captioned appropriately.

Are you serious?
Yes baby girl, get used to this.

They dont fit!
And I HATE orange!

Not me, I'm all about orange, is there a reward for this? I'm too old to bother fighting you, she won't listen Mom. Will someone feed me? Look how starved I am!

Fine, if you insist.

You promised, last one.

Here is my table, same as last year. It stands to be eaten by the KyleeMonster, but we did have a talk about it. Can enlarge it's super cute and the cleanest my table ever gets.

Happy first!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Slowing mom down....

I do have new Kylee updates and it is not a cover to hide that I have finally snapped and killed her. I'm actully waiting for her Friday hike where Dad is going to take my camera and see if he can spot her in the wild. Should prove interesting.

Personality wise, Kylee is night and day depending which parent is home. When left with me, she destroys junk but is sweet apologetic girl. When home with Mr. Morgan, she is a wild beast, baiting to be tackled. She listens to me vaguely when he is home, and has no option BUT to listen to me when he isn't. When he is home and complies to what I say she shoots me a gaze that very much says she's doing it to humor me and gain favor to Mr. I know her little tactics and we often gaze at eachother understanding that a small war is brewing. So! I expect to have more to say come this weekend.

- DM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Love bug.

I cannot possibly explain how much Mr. Morgan means to Kylee, and she to him. Let the camera speak for itself. She's getting more action than I am!

Those two are wonderful, albiet disheartening for me to see the Russian trying to squeeze into the hug pile. He looks like the kid who lost a bet.

Dont' worry, I give him ample attention and he spends a lot of time in the crook of my legs being pet and groomed. We also have a lot of conversations, that of course do not translate verbally, but do emotionally about why Leedy hasn't come home yet. I don't want to give a dog too much credit, as I am apt to do, but he misses her still a great deal and sometimes gives Kylee the dirtiest look and I recognise it as "You are such an imposter. Get out." Truly, I have caught that look more than once and it is above language barriers. Ever had someone give you a glare that you just knew to walk away from with haste? That's the look on his tiny face.

Ok yeah I was going to crop this photo.... chose not to, only to prove what I always confirm - Mr. Morgan is a fucking pig! He lives on the floor beside our bed. Not to say my table is ok, that's the upper right, but most of that junk is picking up what the dog might find during the night. I take full credit for my tardy laundry pile. I dont do much... why waste the water? I can sniff test just fine! However, this was ONE night of his junk, wouldn't it make sense to take the empty with you to get a new? I gave up a long time ago.

Kylee has been going on hikes the last couple of weekends, and Im' told she does very well and was found "floating" down the river. Lazy brat, I believe it. She has also been found more than once in our pool, just... ya know.... chillin. To immediately be caught and charge onto the bedding with a smile I want to slap off of her. I am still trying to catch her in the act of pool lazing, so keep watching for that.

She also is quite interested in soap and the shower. I sit while I shower, not for being lazy, (ok somewhat) but more so because I like the waterfall effect. Kylee insists the door be opened at least six inches or enough to pry her head inside to begin licking all soap off of the host. This dog is a ghost if I ever saw one. Sure I expect her at the shower door, front door, door door.... and most times you can hear the sound of a giant horse barreling about. Then there are the extremely creepy times when you enter a room, and five seconds later you turn around and there she is - laying down like she'd been there the whole time. Sniper Puppy! I know my eyes aren't the best but this animal just appears as though she has a portal wristband with time warp ability. It is seriously weird, and she mocks my lack of understanding.

More soon.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Update 7 months.

Dear Kylee,

Today you are seven months and nine days old.

You tend to set the schedule around the house and make no apologies for it. You wake up a very nice puppy wondering why we don't pop into action because you happened to stir into consciousness. Your little brother likes to sleep in, and this to you, is quite baffling and unacceptable. To you, it's time to GO! Your brother and I continue to love the sweetness and non-chewy nature of morning puppy, but you often forget that you are the reason that we are so tired.

You've grown a good bit, but mostly wide. Your brother remains wee. He fine with it and so am I. You are also very close to going into heat and your Father has zero clue what we are in for. I expect you to be drawing many suitors soon that I will have to swat with a broom to protect your virginity. My hands will bleed clenching the swat broom to keep you from any such thing. I have more than once sat you down and talked about how lucky you were to not be born a shelter leaving. So let's not make Mama upset with more ... albiet gorgeous.... puppies that are not needed. I'll do my part, you do yours. There's food in it for you, fair?

Last week I kept smelling a completely fowl odor, and you sat by knowing I was blaming your Father. I didn't HEAR it, but the smell filled my nostrils and even woke the Russian. Your Father left for work later that week and it was at least a half hour in passing before that familiar stench reappeared. It was you! And you straight faced lied.

You also helped yourself to all the carrots I was trying to grow. You were not able to stop yourself and wore a guilty face. It's ok, you were only trying to help and they tickled your nose ever so enticingly.

Your new lesson is "no jump" you do not understand your strength and you knock Mama down often, as well as others who simply want to greet you. Your Father is in charge if this correction, we can't have you pummeling guests out of your instinct to be friendly and say hello, baby girl you are too big to do such and people will start to not like you. I know you want to be favored, not recoiled from... so we are going to work on that. We can't have more than one unruly Morgan darling, I took that crown years ago.

Be good.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Thank you, I was hungry for massive battery.

Kylee has gone from stealing ciggarettes (smoker!) to being found caught with a bottle of Corona (drunk!) and today, ten minutes before I left for an interview stole a purse (theif!) enjoying it's contents, including a bottle of antibiotics I keep on hand for the ever so sneaky UTI (pill popper!) Anything else?


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Update, Month 7

Dear Kylee,

You are a week or so shy of 7 months old. You are a very, VERY pretty girl. When your ears are up from interest you have a stunning profile, but it's when they flop down into happy submission that I feel my heart melting. It's a great photo but part of me laughs because I swear it's a mug shot. Busted! At this particular time though, you were not in trouble, rather you were hopeful for a snack.

Here is the much hunted creature - the Princess Leia Lab.

Your hobbies and interests haven't changed very much, you still think you are quite small, but, aren't.

The once itty bitty showers.....

Are no more.

After your first long hike with Marley, your father wanted to wash the brown off of you. This is not the same as when I scream I am going the slap the brown off of you. You took the water as a personal insult and all but melded yourself to the end of the shower wall. I was close to going to the kitchen for a spatula to pry you off of it.

This morning you spooned with your father for at least two hours, making me almost fall to the floor as there isn't quite enough room for four on our bed. When I protested, your father said your breath smelled better so you had won the match.

When Bosslady's Daughter came to visit this week you went out of control, performing your renowned crotch pounce, I struggled with you for a minute or so when she came over and I admitted defeat "You get this end!" and the two of us finally got your crazed behind out the door. You are very strong. Strong and clumsy has made me look like a battered housewife for months now, and should I ever make a fake claim against your dad, I'd have a case with the wounds you've given me. You also have your father's mentality, in that when I yelp from you getting too rough, you give me the most sarcastic look and I think I even once heard you call me a wimp. So what! All fun and games until Mom gets hurt, remember she is the one who can open the fridge Kylee.

Your father and I had a quarrel this last week and in the middle of it, you walked between us and pissed on the floor. You swiftly ended our argument with this rather clever manuever. Both of us looked at you, then each other and couldn't believe what you had done. You walked two feet away, sat proper and looked at us to see if the squabble would continue. Interesting move, and proof you are in fact listening because I dismiss a lot of things and complain by saying "well piss!" You are wise beyond your young little mind.

I love you and you are trying to stay a good girl.

